I love shining a light on concepts we might have heard about but aren’t fully utilizing to their potential—things that can genuinely shift the trajectory of our lives for the better. Today, we’re delving into intention setting and how it can transform your life.









What is Intention Setting?





Intention setting is the practice of consciously identifying and affirming specific goals or desires you want to manifest in your life. It’s about gaining clarity on your purpose and aligning your actions to achieve it.





While there’s no rule book for intention setting, having examples and actionable steps may help to spark your creativity and make the process more effective. Let’s explore the science, benefits, and practical applications of intention setting.









Why Intention Setting Matters





Now you probably want to know why this is an important process to have.





Intention setting can do the following:





  • Increase Focus and Motivation: By creating clear intentions, you give your mind a roadmap, helping to eliminate distractions and prioritize what truly matters.
  • Promote Emotional Resilience: Intention setting helps you bounce back from setbacks by keeping your bigger vision in mind.
  • Enhance Personal Fulfillment: Reflecting on and living by your intentions fosters a deeper sense of purpose.





According to Locke and Latham’s in their review of 35 years of research on goal setting theory , “Building a Practically Useful Theory of Goal Setting and Task Motivation” setting specific and challenging goals leads to higher performance compared to vague or easy goals. 





*I’ll include a link to the review if you want to read more about it.*









My Intention-Setting Practice





I find it helpful to create monthly intentions and roll them over to the next month if I feel further work is needed. For example, my intention for this month is:





“I take inspired action daily to be fully self employed doing what I enjoy and I have clarity on my next steps.”





**I know a bit vague but it is progress not perfection😉*





To bring this intention to life, I prioritize daily meditation and self-reflection. It’s a practice that’s deeply personal and adaptable—what works for me may inspire you to discover your unique approach.





How to Set Intentions That Work





Here are practical steps to help you set and achieve your intentions:





1. Write Them Down





Writing your intentions makes them tangible and helps you clarify your goals. It also increases your commitment and accountability. Think of it as moving your thoughts from the abstract into the physical world.





Tip: Use positive language and focus on what you want to achieve, not what you want to avoid. For example:





  • Instead of: “I don’t want to procrastinate,” write: “I consistently take proactive steps toward my goals.”





2. Visualize Your Intentions





As the saying goes, “If you can see it, you can achieve it.” Visualization engages your subconscious mind and helps you emotionally connect to your goals. Create a mental image or vision board to reinforce your intentions.





3. Practice Gratitude





Celebrate small wins along the way. Gratitude helps you acknowledge your progress and reaffirms your belief in your ability to manifest your intentions.





4. Reflect Regularly





Life evolves, and so should your intentions. Set aside time to review your intentions, assess your progress, and adjust as needed to stay aligned with your current goals.









Success Stories: The Power of Intention





One famous example of intention setting comes from comedian and actor Jim Carrey. He wrote himself a check for $10 million with the memo “acting services rendered” years before it actually happened. He dated the check for Thanksgiving 1995 and just before that time came he found out he was going to receive $10 million from his role in Dumb and Dumber





* I’ll insert the video of Jim Carrey talking about this around the 1min 45 sec mark















Your Next Steps





Let’s start setting those intentions!





  • Monthly Intentions: Identify a specific area of focus for the month.
  • Daily Intentions: Start each day with a small intention to guide your actions.
  • Annual Intentions: Set overarching goals for the year that align with your long-term vision.





Pro Tip: Find what works for you. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach—your practice should feel authentic and empowering.









Final Thoughts





Remember, life is a journey. If at first you don’t succeed, tweak your intentions and try again. The beauty of this practice lies in its flexibility and the opportunities it provides for growth and self-discovery.





Now it’s your turn: What intentions will you set for yourself? Write them down, visualize them, and watch as your life begins to shift in powerful ways.










Locke, Edwin A., and Gary  P. Latham. “Building a Practically Useful Theory of Goal Setting and Task Motivation.” Standford Medicine, med.stanford.edu/content/dam/sm/s-spire/documents/PD.locke-and-latham-retrospective_Paper.pdf. Accessed 17 Oct. 2024.





YouTube. (2011, October 13). What Oprah Learned from Jim Carrey | Oprah’s Life Class | Oprah Winfrey Network. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPU5bjzLZX0&t=171s